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I know you’re going to love the Playbook. You’ll have the exact framework to have your dream employers chase you...
You’ll be one step closer to higher salaries, better projects and a fulfilled software development career...
And I know the Playbook will make you an authority figure. If it doesn’t — I’ll give your full investment back.
I’m confident in my products and the value they bring. And I believe it can work for you — like it has for thousands of other developers...
Which is why you have a full 180 days to try it out risk free.
I'll promptly refund every penny — NO questions and NO hassles.
A pretty good deal if you ask me…
So if you have any questions or need any help at all… Please send us an email — so my team will get back to you right away.
Contact Email: support@simpleprogrammer(.)com
Second, you're also protected by my...
"10X Your Investment" Double-Money Back Guarantee…
I know what it's like to put your hard-earned cash on the line with the hope that a stranger will actually deliver the results.
Maybe you don't know me well and you wonder whether I'm just blowing smoke here.
I'd consider it a tragedy if a little uncertainty stopped you from taking your career on the fast track.
So I'm going to do everything in my power to take all the risk off of you and put it on my own shoulders.
Here's how it works...
Now this second guarantee might seem a little over the top, but I'm completely confident that this playbook will "deliver the goods."
So here's my promise to you:
If you take the techniques I'm going to show you in this course and you make a good faith effort to apply them to your career for the next 12 months…
I guarantee this playbook will pay for itself 10 times over or I will DOUBLE your investment back.
I can't tell you exactly what form this return on your investment might take...
It could be a pay bump or promotion at your current job. You might find your inbox filling up with offers for freelancing gigs or high-paying consulting work.
Or you might even find that an opportunity opens up for you to get a job you really love — at a salary increase of 10%, 20% or even more.
But I do guarantee that it WILL happen.
Now I want to make sure that a few bad apples don't take advantage of my generosity here — so I will require you to document the steps you've taken and "show your homework."
So if you can demonstrate to me that you're following the plan and not getting the results you want after 12 months —
I'll refund your initial investment in full…
And I'll also reach into my own pocket to DOUBLE your money back for the effort.
You literally can't lose here…
John Sonmez is the author of the perennial top-selling Soft Skills: The Software Developer's Life Manual, and the founder of Simple Programmer. John started his software development career at 10, hacking C and C++ to create virtual worlds for his favorite MUDs.
In The Complete Software Developer's Career Guide, John shares the principles and knowledge that took him from teenage hacker to highly paid senior development and consulting positions—and by age 33, early retirement and a second career as an entrepreneur.
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How to Get Started And What Companies Really Want (Value: $29)
Easily And Quickly Build Yourself Into A Well-known Brand (Value: $147)
How To Create A Blog For Long Term Profits And Recognition (Value: $147)
How To Get Your Name Out There And in Front of The Right People
(Value: $29)
How To Make Social Media Work For You (and not against you) (Value: $29)
Resume Strategy To Make Or Break You (Value: $19)
Bonus #1 — Success Secrets: Interviews from 11 Top Software Developers (Value: $600+)
Bonus #2 — Career Tools Quick Reference List + Resources
(Value: $5)
Bonus #3 — Step-By-Step Software Developer Playbook Checklist
(Value: $7)
Bonus #4 — Full Word-for-Word Video Transcripts for "Building A Brand" and "Creating A Blog" (Value: $260)
Bonus #5 — Networking Do's and Don'ts Infographic (Value: $7)
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“I Won A Microsoft MVP Award—
And Landed My Dream Job!”
Before taking your course, I lacked focus on how to get where I wanted. I knew the end-result or where the goal post was, but I had no direction on how to get there. Your course and book (Soft Skills) have helped immensely.
I’ve always been a driven person looking to get better or do that one extra thing that would make me stand out in my life, my industry, my job, and, in fact, everywhere. But it’s hard to know how to achieve this and benefit yourself without proper direction or guidance. Your course offered the inspiration and guidance I needed to propel my career further. Shortly after going through the material, I quit my permanent job to become a contractor. I built up my online presence, I have a successful blog and in just over a year I was invited to speak in over 22 conferences.
Last year I asked you about what it would take to become an MVP. It took 9 months but I got there in the end and on 01/01/2016 I got my first (and last) MVP award. John’s material has been a big contributor to my success and I would highly recommend that you give it a go.
— CHRISTOS MATSKAS Azure Premier Field Engineer, Microsoft
Glasgow, United Kingdom
"Blown Away By The Value"
As a new graduate I struggled to find a job as a software developer. Many, if not all jobs ask for at least 2 years of experience.
I am a few weeks into the course and I am blown away by its value. John gives you a manageable step-by-step guide to becoming a developer and how to "do it right." The course shows you a straight-forward method to proving yourself as a software developer. John also supplies you with interviews from very successful developers (including himself) and an interactive email course that he personally responds to.
The biggest eye-opener for me was just how easy it is to make a blog and come up with meaningful topics to post about.
John also guides you through ways to customize your blog and keep coming up with new content. I would recommend this course to anyone who aspires to be a software dev!
— MITCH TABIAN, IT Help Desk, Langley, BC Canada
"A Clear Roadmap To Improve My Value As A Professional"
I’m a developer. A very passionate one. I love programming. It’s my work and hobby and I’ve been coding since I was 14. I know I have potential and I’m sure I can go much further in my career if I take the right steps. I tried to go on my own, but I always feel that I’m missing something.
I’ve been following John Sonmez for some years through his blog and social networks because he is an experienced developer with great expertise and knowledge in a vast set of topics that I’m interested in. I saw his own brand growing and John becoming more and more relevant, so I decided to give a go to this course. After some days reading (and watching) his material I can say that it’s the most valuable advice I have received about how to boost my career.
It really opened my eyes. Now I know exactly what I was doing wrong. Not only had it helped me to reveal my mistakes down in black and white, but also showed me dos and don'ts and traced a clear roadmap to gain visibility and to improve my value as a professional.
The book, the in-depth guides and the absolutely amazing interviews with some of the best development professionals out there (watch out for Uncle Bob’s) are a conspicuous source of knowledge that for sure it’s going to give my career a complete turnaround.
In few words, this is a must-have. A unique material, from developer to developer. It’s absolutely worth every penny. Loving it.
— JOSE NIETO, Android Developer, London, United Kingdom